Title: Associate Professor, Physics
Groups: Core Faculty
John Robert Cressman, PhD
Associate Professor, Physics
Phone: 703-993-9643 | Email: jcressma@gmu.edu
Location: Krasnow Institute, Room 110
Research Description
John Robert Cressman’s research has focused on investigating dynamical structures in driven systems with a specific interest in their role in the functions of the brain. Transient but long-lived correlated dynamics underlie innumerable biological processes, from the lifecycle of an organism to conscious thought and social behavior. Transient dynamical structures are also the hallmark of a number of natural phenomena, including tornadoes, hurricanes, gyres, and von Karman vortex streets, simple fluid systems that can support coherent structures.
Selected Publications
- Owen, J. A., Barreto, E., & Cressman, J. R. (2013). Controlling seizure-like events by perturbing ion concentration dynamics with periodic stimulation. PLoS ONE, 8(9), e73820.
- Berry, T., Cressman, J. R., Gregurić-Ferenček, Z., & Sauer, T. (2013). Time-scale separation from diffusion-mapped delay coordinates. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 12(2), 618-649.
- Žiburkus, J., Cressman, J. R., & Schiff, S. J. (2013). Seizures as imbalanced up states: excitatory and inhibitory conductances during seizure-like events. Journal of Neurophysiology, 109(5), 1296-1306.