Center for Advancing Systems Science and Bioengineering Innovation (CASSBI)

John Robert Cressman

Title: Associate Professor, Physics

Groups: Core Faculty

John Robert Cressman, PhD

Associate Professor, Physics
Key Interests

Physics | Nonlinear Dynamics | Neuroimaging


Phone: 703-993-9643 | Email:

Location: Krasnow Institute, Room 110

Research Description

John Robert Cressman’s research has focused on investigating dynamical structures in driven systems with a specific interest in their role in the functions of the brain. Transient but long-lived correlated dynamics underlie innumerable biological processes, from the lifecycle of an organism to conscious thought and social behavior. Transient dynamical structures are also the hallmark of a number of natural phenomena, including tornadoes, hurricanes, gyres, and von Karman vortex streets, simple fluid systems that can support coherent structures.

Selected Publications