Title: Professor, Bioengineering
Co-Director, CASSBI
Email: pchitnis@gmu.edu
Groups: CASBBI Directors, Core Faculty
Parag Chitnis, PhD
Professor, Bioengineering
Phone: 703-993-5039 | Email: pchitnis@gmu.edu
Location: Peterson Hall, Room 3104
Research Description
Parag Chitnis’ research in medical ultrasonics and photoacoustics drives innovation in biomedical imaging and tissue characterization, revolutionizing the way patients will one day receive quicker diagnosis and less-invasive treatments.
Selected Publications
- George, D., Lloyd, H., Silverman, R. H., & Chitnis, P. V. (2018). A frequency-domain non-contact photoacoustic microscope based on an adaptive interferometer. Journal of Biophotonics, 11(6), e201700278.
- Kong, F., Silverman, R. H., Liu, L., Chitnis, P. V., Lee, K. K., & Chen, Y. C. (2011). Photoacoustic-guided convergence of light through optically diffusive media. Optics Letters, 36(11), 2053.
- Brecht, H. (2010). Feasibility of optoacoustic visualization of high-intensity focused ultrasound-induced thermal lesions in live tissue. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 15(2), 021313.
- Cleveland, R. O., Chitnis, P. V., & McClure, S. R. (2007). Acoustic field of a ballistic shock wave therapy device. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 33(8), 1327-1335.